Thursday, July 24, 2008

23 JULY 2008


Hamilton is good:) I'm excited to be able to do some work here. I'm sure the Lord is going to bless us... I feel good about it here... it is going to be a lot of work, but I'm ready for it:) Leaving Kalispell, I have to admit, was harder than leaving home. I couldn't stop crying. I put my entire heart into the area. I love everyone, everyone. I loved the work there. I loved my investigators, I loved my companion. It was just super hard to leave. Kalispell will always be a special place to me, especially when I can go back and visit all the people I know so well.

Hamilton will be amazing. I have no doubt there. It all comes down to the eternal truth of "you only get out of something, what you put into it". I intend to put my all into this area, and just focus on the work... it is all that matters. I am glad that I got to leave Kalispell when I did though. It was time. I wasn't as effective as I could be in a new area. I was a becoming a member of the ward by that point, people were calling me by my first name, or "Brother Greenhalgh" you know you need to leave when that happens.

My new companion is awesome! He will definitely be an amazing missionary! He has been out for almost 2 months now. His name is Elder Liljenquist(silent J). He is from Orlando Florida... EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI! He is my third companion from that side of the country.(Elder Kitchen and Elder Barlow were the others) Elder Kitchen is going home tomorrow:( pretty sad, but I'm excited for him, he should be doing awesome at BYU in no time.

I'm in love with the mission and I'm so excited for you Mom, everyone in Kalispell is too!

Love you guys!

Have a good week
Elder Greenhalgh

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Transfer Day Monday 21 JULY !

It is always such a treat to hear from the kind people in the Mission area. A member called on Sunday, 20 July to let us know that Elder Greenhalgh will be moving to Hamilton Montana tomorrow. More information will be forthcoming. Elder Anderson is evidently staying in Kalispell for a while; we send our best and our prayers to him and his family in Utah.