Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

WINDING DOWN ..... 30 July 2009

Ok, so I found some time today to email.

Yesterday, we were in Glacier National Park (one of the craziest hike's I've ever taken. We all thought we were going to die) We hiked down to Hidden Lake, it was amazing... it looked like a movie. It was nestled up between 4 mountains, and it emptied down one mountain into a waterfall. The mountains were HUGE and it just looked like unreal. It was amazing. The clouds were low, and it was amazing. Anyways, it was a GREAT last p-day.

Those plans sound fine, I think we'll have to go around and do stuff on that weekend, definitely with you guys, but I don't want to be stuck at home. We can go computer shopping, looking at things that have changed, looking at pictures and stories, swimming, RUNNING ALL DAY EVERYDAY TO LOSE THE POUNDS I've gained:)
I'm really fine. I'm not super upset about coming home, I'm really excited. I have loved my mission and still do, but I'm so excited to be home. So don't worry, you don't need to think I won’t be happy. I'll be happy!

I'll be rolling into Cleveland around 5 pm... it should be fun.
So, thanks for your words and Dad's words too. They are great, and warmly appreciated. I'm having so much fun, and the suspense is WONDERFUL... sometimes, I hate it, but other times, it just feels so good to be anxious and excited and just loving the feeling. I really am learning to be happy in most situations. The Lord has some amazing experiences set out for us so that we can learn all kinds of stuff.

Love You
Elder Greenhalgh

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Elder Greenhalgh is scheduled to fly home on Thursday, 6 AUG 09. So begins the single digit count down!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Two Weeks!

One more email after today, I probably won't email you guys the day before I come home. Thanks for getting everything set up for when I do get home though. It is coming quickly. Really quickly.

Ok, so here is the agenda for the next two weeks.
Tonight we have a lesson.

23: we have a day of work, and lessons set up already
24: Pioneer Day party at the Columbia falls church building, changing the broken windshield on the car, teaching the gospel!
25: Missionary work
26: last church in Lakeside
27-28: missionary work!(that week, our goal is to get 85 quality gospel discussions with new people we've never met before, thats more than 10 a day, it'll be hard, but fun)
29:going to Glacier and missionary work(last real P-day)
30-31:Missionary work and transfer calls.

1:Baptizing B.Wilson . My mission 2 YEAR MARK!!!
2:Last day of church on the mission in Bigfork
4:Leave for Billings and the mission home.
5:Go to the temple all day and spend time with President Gardner.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


...this week has been good! Elder Ashton and I have been working our tails off. We have been in other elder's areas most of the time. We cover a zone of 10 companionships... too big, but a BLAST on p-day. We are going to have zone olympics today. It is pretty fun. we play stupid games and get hurt:) 65 days! haha I have little random outbursts like that lately:) Elder Flake, one of our assistants, came out on the mission in my group, and he was on the phone today and said "OH MY GOSH! I ONLY HAVE TWO MONTHS LEFT!" ALL of us have those crazy little outbursts...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today's Stripling Warriors

Hey guys
Speaking of staying focused. I didn’t realize how much people really mean it when they say that it gets tough at the end of your mission). We have some people that are pretty darn close to baptism. We are trying to focus on helping them get to that. They are great people. I’m really thankful that Elder Ashton is so strong; It is neat how the Lord puts us in perfect situations when we need them.

Maybe you guys will think this is cool. Even in times when I may be doubting how I’m doing, or feeling low and feel like I can’t teach like I used to, in the lesson, if I think about that person and how much God loves them, He completely fills my mouth with words. It is amazing. My heart is just filled, and sometimes I feel like a lion bearing testimony. I think he knows my heart, and knows my desire to do His will, He still feels like He can use me as an instrument. That means a lot, and it is really cool.

As for the things that you want to talk about in sacrement meeting concerning my mission… you can talk about whatever you want to. I don’t have any preference, except I think I’d like you to ask them to pray more and more for me, and of course, the other missionaries too, but ask them to specifically pray for me would you. Let them know I asked for that. During the last 2 months of my mission, I’ll need as many prayers as I can get.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Soon to Be Home in Ohio (August 2009)

Elder Greenhalgh is requesting letters and apologizing beforehand about his tardiness in responding. He also mentioned that with just over two months left in the mission field, he is thinking more of home and about returning to school. He is afraid he will lose his missionary focus and request we keep him in our prayers.

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Elder Greenhalgh' Birthday

Elder Greenhalgh will be 21 on Sunday May 17th. If you get a moment drop him a line or card at the Billings MT address above. I'm sure it will make his day!

Mother's Day & Transfers!

Mom is definately happy; she had a few moments to hear that special voice, her Missionary Son. He sounds great and is very excited about his transfer, the day after Mother's day, back to the Kalispell MT area. He will be serving in Big Fork Montana a resort town on Flathead Lake. We should soon hear about Big Fork and will pass on the news. Judging from the pictures on line, Big Fork is beautiful!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

From Ward 8 April 09

Hey guys
I have my time out clock right at the top-middle of the screen so I can't lose my email this week again:). Thats my plan at least.
This last week was pretty good. We had a zone leader council on Monday, and we were able to talk about some of the stuff in the mission. There is also big news. In a week and a half, half of the mission is all meeting in Billings (Kalispell, Missoula, great falls, and butte aren't) and we are having a meeting with just the missionaries and Dallin H. Oaks. :) I'm so excited. We will be able to meet him and have about an hour instruction from him. He told President Fisher that he would like to get the missionaries to meet with him. I feel so blessed that President chose to have our zone come out, even though we are 3.5 hours out from Billings. It should be awesome.
Conference was great wasn't it? There were some amazingly inspired talks there. Ones that I needed, I've been praying for help a lot on how to do certain things, and strengthen my testimony, and just tons of stuff from the Lord, and I got most of my answers from the conference talks. I'm so thankful that we have the inspiration of a loving Father that wants us to succeed.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why Missionaries?

Missions — Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. . .

to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. An invitation to "come unto Christ" is the mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

"Therefore, go ye into all the world; and unto whatsoever place ye cannot go ye shall send, that the testimony may go from you into all the world unto every creature" (Doctrine and Covenants 84:62).

"The joys and blessings of serving a full-time mission are so personally sacred, they are hard to express adequately. Thirty-five years after I served my first mission, I received a letter from a family whom I had taught but did not baptize. The letter shared that their family of four little children whom I once knew now consisted of four temple marriages, three full-time missionaries, three bishops, a Relief Society president, and a dozen grandchildren maturing and developing in the gospel. You can well imagine the thrill and joy I received knowing that I had helped to find them and to teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ." — Elder Earl C. Tingey, April 1998 General Conference.

Shortly after the Church was organized in April 1830, the first formal missionary activity began. A brother of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Samuel H. Smith, traveled through neighboring towns in New York with copies of the newly published Book of Mormon.

Today there are over 52,000 missionaries serving in 348 missions (reported as of December 2007).

Each mission is an ecclesiastical unit of the Church in a designated geographic area and is presided over by a mission president who serves full-time for three years. Each missionary serves for up to two years. This service is voluntary with missionaries and their families generally pay the costs of serving.
Missionaries use the scriptures (Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price) to teach persons interested in the Church. Missionaries also use a Church publication, "Preach my Gospel" to guide their efforts.

Preparation for missionary service begins in the home as children are taught and begin living basic principles and doctrines of the Church. Unmarried men, ages 19-25, and unmarried women, ages 21-39, may be called to serve missions of 18 or 24 months. Older members and married couples often serve missions of 12 or 18 months.
Once assigned to a mission, a missionary receives on-the-job instruction from a senior companion or other mission leaders. A missionary's daily endeavor includes studying scriptures, seeking and teaching those interested in the Church and providing service to others.

People interested in the Church are encouraged to read and study the gospel and to pray concerning the messages they receive from missionaries. They are also encouraged to attend Church meetings and begin living the principles of the gospel prior to being baptized and confirmed as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

"Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.
"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
"Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;
"For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;
"And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work."

—Doctrine and Covenants 4:1-5

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wardamoose Stew?

ISBN: 9789781598117792
Format: HB
Length: -----------------------------------------------------------------
It's time to mix it up a little in the kitchen with the Worldwide Ward Cookbook-favorite dishes from Latter-day Saint cooks around the world and right next-door. With comfort-food recipes gathered from across America as well as 46 other countries, you'll find homemade classics along with dishes that may be difficult to pronounce, but are easy to enjoy. And nearly all 440 of these simple and economical recipes are made from ingredients available in most local groceries, so you can delight your family and friends again and again.

Hi Elder-

I have finally figured out why the Church does not allow the use of your first name while you are on your mission...Son, if you did, you'd be a goner! It appears that a lot of people out there enjoy nothing better than a nice, tender, young Ward. I can't believe there are 440 ways to cook one. Oh my! Please be wary of anyone asking to "have you over for dinner!"


Friday, February 13, 2009

Moving to Helena

Elder Greenhalgh's parents were called today by one of the kind sisters in Missoula to let us know that he is moving to Helena MT on monday, 16 FEB 09. We will pass on the news as he lets us know...

Recent Thoughts From Missoula

This is a great district. I learn so much from these guys. They have got it together, I’ll tell you what. I really like working around tons of different kinds of people and listening to their ideas. They always say something that can help me. I love planning district meetings. I think that is why I’ve been a district leader for so long. I like to be able to get these spiritual meetings going every week. I like praying about what these Elders need, and then getting revelation a TON. It just doesn’t get old for me. I really think it is an important thing for missionaries to be able to share their experiences together, and to learn from others successes and mistakes. It is so great! Yesterday at the district meeting, I had Elder Barney “campaign for Jesus”. I had him run a campaign to act like we were electing Him to be our Savior. That way, we could hear what he has done, what He is like, how He can help us, and then realize that, that is what we are doing every day. We are campaigning to people all over so that they can build trust in Him as their leader and friend.