This week has been pretty.... SLOW! My companion, Elder Nielson has been sick, so we were in for two days... LUCKILY! those two days were the coldest so far this year! They both hit -15 and below! BURRRNeedless to say, he picked the PERFECT days to be sick!We are having alot of fun out here teaching the gospel! All of the people that we are teaching are progressing pretty slow so we are going to have to double time the work to try and help them understand more! I like learning about all kinds of new people... its pretty eye-opening to learn how people feel, especially about their relationships with Christ.
My parents sent me my yearbook from last year. It was kind of fun to see people from home in the book... but at the same time I couldn't help but think how happy I am to be away from it. Like, not to be stuck up about it, but I feel like I have such a better purpose than just knowing "who's hot and who's not, and who's dating whom..." it has all just lost its luster, and a new clearer perspective has surfaced. I'm so much happier in the service of God, having a more important role than "teenager".
Life is good.
Elder Greenhalgh
Alma 13:12 Now they, after being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, having their garments made white, being pure and spotless before God, could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence; and there were many, exceedingly great many, who were made pure and entered into the rest of the Lord their God.
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