Wednesday, February 27, 2008

27FEB08 Elder Greenhalgh

I'm doing well! Excited for another week of spreading the word of God. and
finding new people to teach!

Wow, that was awesome to hear about Cameron! Too cool! He is such a great example to me.

Well, we are doing well in Cody. The work is progressing, we are teaching more people this week too.

Here is a cool story. Elder Gurr and myself were walking down the street, and we saw a teenage boy moving stuff in a van, and we talked to him. We said that we'd come and teach him and his family, he said they would like that. He said that his sister (Bonnie) lived in the apartments nearby, and that her boyfriend had recently died, and so that would probably be something that she needed. So we planned on coming back to see her. Later that day, we were at an investigator's house and she said her friend Bonnie was coming over, you guessed it, it was the same Bonnie. So she comes in and is all excited for us to teach her. We went to Bonnie’s apartment last night, and her sister was there too, and they said that they want to learn and they will invite all their friends to come to a lesson on Friday night... soooo exciting! Its neat to see how people just kinda fall into our hands. The Lord blesses us a lot.

That is awesome about Bro. Maibach, tell him I'm proud of him... it is a big step, and a noble step.

I heard from Bryant McKnight, I can't wait for him to serve, he will grow sooo much, and will be such a great missionary.

I love having prayers answered! We fasted and prayed the other day for one of our investigators, because we had no clue what she needed to hear from us. The answer was blatantly watch “Finding Faith in Christ” with her, and read Mosiah 18. She was in tears during the movie, and we will see what Mosiah 18 does for her. She has grown so much, believes it to be true, but got stuck on the "coffee and tea" thing. She doesn't even drink coffee, but she just doubted... she let herself doubt... sad. We'll see where she goes from here. She needs to pray to ask if Joseph Smith was a prophet, When she does that... she will be set, and then she can build a relationship with Christ as she follows His commandments.

Tell the sisters I say Hello and thank them for taking care of my parents!

Christ lives! Thats all I can say. Remember that. Remember that he loves you. Remember that he is excited to see us grow!

Love you guys! Talk to you next week!

~Elder Greenhalgh

Please say hello to Kory and his parents.

Thought for the week

Alma 7:23
And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive, and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

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