Thursday, June 12, 2008


Hi Everyone!

It is neat how once the Lord and I take care of one thing that I need to work on... then the next one just pops up, and we take care of that. This time, i think this one is going to be based primarily on accepting the work that I do, and seeing that is was good. And not expecting more and more and more, MORE than I am willing or able to do. So I'm trying to be optomistic at all times. I'm trying to understand goal setting, and seeing that, If i'm matching and/or exceeding my goals, then what I have done is satisfactory.

I should not try to run faster that I am able... and i'm trying to incorporate that.
I think too many times we are too quick to say "We need to do more, we need to be better, we need to be 100% EVERY MINUTE EVERY HOUR EVERY DAY!" Are we perfect? NO! But are we trying hard, and wanting to do good? Yes. Then we should be rewarded and happy with that. There is room for correction, yes. We should always strive for a little more, but with that striving there should also be an added degree of patience and forgiveness of ourselves. If we come to an understanding with the Source of All Truth, as to the "best that we can do, right now", and we fulfill what is defined by us and the Lord, we should be satistfied, then work for a little more. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little.

Have a great week ! I love you all so much!
Elder Greenhalgh

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