Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It Is Time for Christmas and a Move.

Well the mission is rollin' on!This has been a better week! We have done a lot of good. We've done service all over the place! I'm so excited to be helping people so much.Christmas is almost here! My mom sent me 12 packages for the 12 days of Christmas, so that has been my wake-up initiative everyday! Today I got a SWEET! warm beanie; exciting stuff here in Butte.Well I'm not sure how much longer I'll be in Butte! Probably leaving on the 27th of December! I'll let my parents know on Christmas where I'm going and what my address will be, then they can put it on the blog!Gus's family is doing great, they are understanding more and growing more. I'm so happy to be able to help them! Also! Her mom has asked me to speak at the funeral (which will be held at the church). I'm so delighted to do that! It is definitely a highlight of my life to be able to be so involved with something so amazing, to talk at the funeral of someone you really cared about. The Lord has blessed my companion and me... and has especially blessed Gus's family, they are growing closer and closer to Christ everyday! Well I don't have much more time to write, so I'm going to cut it short. Have a great Christmas! Remember what it is really about. Presents are nice, and yes, I like them a lot, but! It is our Savior we need to think about.; what he did for us cannot be described adequately with words. Let us describe it with our hearts. Let our love and our hope lift us up to a new level of peace and comfort. Let us have solemn prayer more. Let us repent more. Let us be comfortable with a sure knowledge that Jesus is the Christ and that He has given us the greatest gift we will ever receive. It doesn't come wrapped in SpongeBob wrapping paper, it doesn't go under the tree, and it for sure isn't included in a White Elephant exchange, but it is available for us all. Through that gift comes our joy. What greater joy than this Christmas season!God BlessMerry Christmas~Elder Greenhalgh

1 comment:

Bryant McKnight said...

hey man!!! i hope that everything is goin well in Montana!!! i have to first apologize for not gettin to writing you until now..i have been extremely busy with football and decided to play basketball this year so i have had little time to myself...dont think that means i dont like ya or forgot about you cuz its the exact opposite!! i talk about you to people all the time and give you the title "my best friend" i miss ya a lot!!! you wont believe what i found the other day..i found the Biggest Loser home video that me you andrew and kim all did ya know that one where i "accidently" whipped andrew with the jump rope!!!haha well that should keep ya laughin at least for a couple hours..well i had better let you get back to doin your work and writing your others friends..but stay strong ETTE and holla at me when ya get a ya, Bryant