Thursday, April 3, 2008

3 APR 08

I'm learning so much right now.
I'm learning the real reason for being out here.
I'm NOT out here to boost myself.
I'm NOT out here to prove to the members or investigators that I'm the best missionary they've dealt with.
I'm NOT out here to fix things about me.
I'm out here to love my investigators and members with all of my heart. To put them first. To think about what they need at all times, to help them and then give all the credit to the Lord.

I'm teaching by the Spirit finally.
Once I realized that I need to love the people and really want to help them, and not impress them... the Spirit talks to me. He leads and lets me know what to say. Its amazing to be an instrument for God and know that He is entrusting me with His children.

I had been praying and praying for God to help me teach by the spirit, but it just didn't seem to come. Then He told me something. He said quietly in my mind. "You prayed for me to help you have a strong desire to work, and I did that... why would I help you with more if you can't show gratitude, or even acknowledge that I helped you gain that desire"

I felt about as big as an ant. So I apologized in prayer and thanked him fervently.... immediately, warmness and peace surrounded me. It was fantastic. Then He allowed me to ask for more, and He gave it to me:)

Had Joseph Smith prayed to ask "Which church is true," simply for information, he probably wouldn't have gotten his answer. But he prayed and asked "Which church should I join" with full intent to act on what God answered.

Its when we say "God, please let me know your will, and I will do my best to act on it" that we are given such knowledge, he loves us so much that he wants us to succeed at all times.

I've started to apply that principle, because the spirit said it was important, and I'm receiving more and more from Him, because He now knows that I will act on it.

I love you guys!
Take care!

Elder Greenhalgh

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