Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thought of the Week

Here is a neat story for you guys, my inspirational thought of the week. An old native wiseman was approached by a young boy in his tribe. The boy asked, "Why am I always fighting inside myself. I want to do good, but sometimes I do bad. I have bad thoughts and I want to control them. Why is this and how do I fix it?"
The wiseman looked him in the eyes and said "Inside of each of us, there are two wolves. A wolf of light and goodness, and an evil wolf of darkness. They are always fighting to beat one another. That is why you have these two sides of you." The boy,thought intently and asked "Which wolf is going to win?" The old man, pleased with the earnest question of the boy, smiled and said "Which ever one you feed."

Let us feed the wolf of goodness and purity. Starve the evil wolf. The natural person in us. When we feed the Spirit, and we starve the carnal, which one will win?

Have a Great Week!

Elder Greenhalgh

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