Monday, December 22, 2008
The Spirit of Christmas
If you desire to find the true spirit of Christmas and partake of the sweetness of it, let me make this suggestion to you. During the hurry of the festive occasion of this Christmas season, find time to turn your heart to God. Perhaps in the quiet hours, and in a quiet place, and on your knees—alone or with loved ones—give thanks for the good things that have come to you, and ask that His Spirit might dwell in you as you earnestly strive to serve Him and keep His commandments. He will take you by the hand and His promises will be kept.(President Howard W. Hunter)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Elder Greenhalgh is Moving!
Sister Howard from Hamilton MT called to let the family know that Elder Greenhalgh is moving to MISSOULA MT, possible tomorrow, 22 NOV 08. We will pass on reflections of Hamilton and impressions of Missoula as they are received. Wadsworth sport fans will appreciate the name of the local university team...:)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"...send me some HEINI's cheese, please!"
The last few weeks Elder Greenhalgh has been asking for treats from home. He really wanted cheese from Heini's, so his parents made the trip to Bunker Hill and had cheese shipped to Montana. The order included the infamous Green Moon Cheese but we're betting the Heini's Cheese Fudge will be the first to be sampled:)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wow, this year has gone fast, I cannot believe that it has been 10 months since I got to Cody! On the night of New Years Eve, we played Monopoly in the basement of the other Elders' place. I can't believe it has been almost a year ago now! WILD! Well anyways, Everything is going good. We are going to be having transfers this weekend, I'm not sure whats going to happen, I'll let you know next week....
Wasn't general conference awesome? GREATER KANSAS CITY AREA?!?!?!?! Wow.... notice... he didn't say Kansas... just the great kansas city area.... theres this little town called Independence on the Missouri side of Kansas City:)
Here is a cool lesson. Too many times, I just kinda "go do stuff" without really asking the Lord what he wants me to do. I am afraid that I won't be able to hear what He wants me to hear, and I"ll miss the opportunites that He has set up for me to do. I asked Elder Geren to give a talk on Humility in District Meeting yesterday. He did, and during it, he read out of Preach My Gospel, a part about Humility. It said, in a nut shell, when we humble ourselves, we have confidence that we will be able to do what the Lord asks us to do. If I truly humble myself, and ask the Lord to use me as an instrument, I WILL ALWAYS KNOW THE THINGS THAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO, I won't have to worry. He will know that I'm sincere, and will let me know what to do, and I will be able to have confidence that it is from Him.... He knows a whole lot more than I do.
I love Him a lot... He does so much for me, and as often as I am completely grateful for what He does, He always gives me more and loves me more. It is the most comforting thing to know that we aren't making up these feelings of comfort or "strength beyond our own". Opportunities like this confirm to me that He is there, HE truly is making us feel these ways, He wants to truly guide us.
I have a testimony of that, I've learned this week something that is eternally significant for me. The times that I doubt, and can't just force myself to understand or feel hopeful that I'll "feel it" 100%.... all I need to do is be more grateful. It humbles me. It helps me see that He is out there. He is more powerful than me, or my intellect. All intellegence bows to the majesty that is Our Father.
I hope you guys have a fantastic week.
Elder Greenhalgh
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Recent Family Happenings
August was a special month for the Greenhalgh family and involved some of those things Missionaries worry about as they enter the Mission Field, ie, "what will happen to the family while I'm gone?"
One 13 August, Elder Greenhalgh's Grandfather passed away in Utah. The two of them had become very close the past few years and each looked forward to Temple work following Elder Greenhalgh's release in 2009. Grandpa cound't wait any longer. Elder Greenhalgh was informed of the death by his Mission President and forward the following email to his parents:
"President Fisher called me this morning and let me know what happened. It was such a relief to be able to stop and think about the situation and rely on God for consolation. He provided. I felt a calm cover me after a few tears and thinking about Grandpa, but that calm took over and provided me with the comfort I needed. I know he is still around:) Not too worried about that. It was a comfort to know that people came to welcome him."
On a happier note, Elder Greenhalgh's mother was baptised on 24 August...just one of the many blessings our family has been given during our son's mission.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
23 JULY 2008
Hamilton is good:) I'm excited to be able to do some work here. I'm sure the Lord is going to bless us... I feel good about it here... it is going to be a lot of work, but I'm ready for it:) Leaving Kalispell, I have to admit, was harder than leaving home. I couldn't stop crying. I put my entire heart into the area. I love everyone, everyone. I loved the work there. I loved my investigators, I loved my companion. It was just super hard to leave. Kalispell will always be a special place to me, especially when I can go back and visit all the people I know so well.
Hamilton will be amazing. I have no doubt there. It all comes down to the eternal truth of "you only get out of something, what you put into it". I intend to put my all into this area, and just focus on the work... it is all that matters. I am glad that I got to leave Kalispell when I did though. It was time. I wasn't as effective as I could be in a new area. I was a becoming a member of the ward by that point, people were calling me by my first name, or "Brother Greenhalgh" you know you need to leave when that happens.
My new companion is awesome! He will definitely be an amazing missionary! He has been out for almost 2 months now. His name is Elder Liljenquist(silent J). He is from Orlando Florida... EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI! He is my third companion from that side of the country.(Elder Kitchen and Elder Barlow were the others) Elder Kitchen is going home tomorrow:( pretty sad, but I'm excited for him, he should be doing awesome at BYU in no time.
I'm in love with the mission and I'm so excited for you Mom, everyone in Kalispell is too!
Love you guys!
Have a good week
Elder Greenhalgh
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Transfer Day Monday 21 JULY !
It is always such a treat to hear from the kind people in the Mission area. A member called on Sunday, 20 July to let us know that Elder Greenhalgh will be moving to Hamilton Montana tomorrow. More information will be forthcoming. Elder Anderson is evidently staying in Kalispell for a while; we send our best and our prayers to him and his family in Utah.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
New Photo From Kalispell
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Hi Everyone!
It is neat how once the Lord and I take care of one thing that I need to work on... then the next one just pops up, and we take care of that. This time, i think this one is going to be based primarily on accepting the work that I do, and seeing that is was good. And not expecting more and more and more, MORE than I am willing or able to do. So I'm trying to be optomistic at all times. I'm trying to understand goal setting, and seeing that, If i'm matching and/or exceeding my goals, then what I have done is satisfactory.
I should not try to run faster that I am able... and i'm trying to incorporate that.
I think too many times we are too quick to say "We need to do more, we need to be better, we need to be 100% EVERY MINUTE EVERY HOUR EVERY DAY!" Are we perfect? NO! But are we trying hard, and wanting to do good? Yes. Then we should be rewarded and happy with that. There is room for correction, yes. We should always strive for a little more, but with that striving there should also be an added degree of patience and forgiveness of ourselves. If we come to an understanding with the Source of All Truth, as to the "best that we can do, right now", and we fulfill what is defined by us and the Lord, we should be satistfied, then work for a little more. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little.
Have a great week ! I love you all so much!
Elder Greenhalgh
It is neat how once the Lord and I take care of one thing that I need to work on... then the next one just pops up, and we take care of that. This time, i think this one is going to be based primarily on accepting the work that I do, and seeing that is was good. And not expecting more and more and more, MORE than I am willing or able to do. So I'm trying to be optomistic at all times. I'm trying to understand goal setting, and seeing that, If i'm matching and/or exceeding my goals, then what I have done is satisfactory.
I should not try to run faster that I am able... and i'm trying to incorporate that.
I think too many times we are too quick to say "We need to do more, we need to be better, we need to be 100% EVERY MINUTE EVERY HOUR EVERY DAY!" Are we perfect? NO! But are we trying hard, and wanting to do good? Yes. Then we should be rewarded and happy with that. There is room for correction, yes. We should always strive for a little more, but with that striving there should also be an added degree of patience and forgiveness of ourselves. If we come to an understanding with the Source of All Truth, as to the "best that we can do, right now", and we fulfill what is defined by us and the Lord, we should be satistfied, then work for a little more. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little.
Have a great week ! I love you all so much!
Elder Greenhalgh
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Alright, well the week has been good. I'm so happy to be out here... it just keeps going faster and faster though! Holy Cow! I think this is my favorite area so far ... everyone is just awesome! This ward feels like home now. I've made some great friends out here. The 3rd ward is fantastic. Tell Dave Somers that I love his family! Anita and Jared and I are pretty close! We had a dinner at the church for the third ward relief society. We played family fued, and two of our investigators were there... It was neat!
Elder Anderson threw a suprise party for me on my birthday, along with some of the members of the ward! Bishop Robison(3rd ward), Sister Fisher, one of our old neighbors, and a little girl at church all had birthdays on the 17th! It was pretty neat!
I got "Mere Christianity" from an awesome investigater...(that will be sent home soon since I can't read it!:)) Dad you can read it first!:) Also, your package was awesome! Thanks so much for the birthday package! I also got a reprint "original" Book of Mormon from the Pitts:) I've been reading it... it is so awesome! And a pillowcase that everyone signed that says "I LOVE MY MISSIONARY" really big on it:)
This area is SO awesome!
In July, Kellie PICKLER is coming!:) haha... she is performing at an Arena here in town, and it just so happens, that the Pitts own the Concession stand there... so I'm hoping that I stay long enough to maybe go do some "service" and help them set up... SO I CAN MEET KELLIE PICKLER(maybe teach her the gospel and have her wait for me;-))
I'm enjoying Kalispell! What a beautiful place! I believe Cameron and I got the two best missions!
Alright folks!
I love you! Take Care!
Read Mosiah 18! Its great!
Elder Greenhalgh
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It was great to get to talk to you guys on Sunday, definately a nice thing to be able to do once in a while:) There really isn't much to say today, we said it all on Sunday! haha
I'm enjoying working with Elder Anderson, I think I like working with missionaries almost as much as working with non-members. We have zone conference tomorrow, I'm excited to get a missionary boost, it seems like I always get one from Zone Conference... :) so I'm excited. I've been a little trunky lately... its strange, everything has been reminding me of stuff back home. I don't like it. I'm remembering a lot of childhood memories that I had completely forgotten. Like for instance, those little Japanese cookies that Lauren sent to me... HOLY COW, BLAST FROM THE PAST... I didn't even remember what those were until I saw them, and then it felt like I had eaten those in a different life. Pretty neat! Thanks for the package! it was really awesome! I'm trying to not think about home though... its wierd, every time I start thinking about what I am going to do with my life after the mission... I can't focus on the NOW aspect as well...I'm working on it!
My Best to ALL in Wadsworth!
God Bless You,
Elder Greenhalgh
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today felt almost like home. We stayed around the house and cleaned a little bit(so I guess it didn't seem A LOT like home:) haha Well... it is raining quite a bit today, our P Day. I stayed out on the porch on the hammock for a little while. It was pretty relaxing. There were some humming birds. Pretty neat:)
I'm confident in the work that is going on here, but it is kind of stressful to always be thinking about these people that we are responsible for. I guess it is almost like having children, only easier. I bet that is a definite worry all the time.” What are my children doing? Are they making good choices? Are they still growing and going to listen to me when I teach them something. Do they understand what is really important, or are they being blinded by the craftiness of man?" I love people. It is weird. I am starting to really love people. The Lord has been working overtime on me... He must think I’m worth a little investment, but He definitely is taking a big risk in me:)
Mom, how overwhelmed are you? You have always been stressed to no end, as long as I can remember, you have been working working working working working working working... and the whole time, just overwhelmed with the amount that YOU have been given to do.
Now is you chance to have an amazing opportunity to KNOW that the Savior lives. To KNOW that He is there, and that this is the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Give Him some of your burden.
The last three verses of Matthew 11 talk about this. These are some of the best and most famous scriptures in all Christianity. I don't have scriptures with me know, so I'll try to remember them the best I can. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will get you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" Pray in FAITH(as I talked about before) and ask Him to help you. To take away your burdens. IT WORKS.
I can't wait to talk to you guys and Kim and Kory on Sunday.
I Love you guys-have a great 4 days!
Elder Greenhalgh
Side note.... While I am emailing I love looking around the library and watching people stare at me (a LDS Missionary)... haha it’s pretty funny. They always try to act like they aren't... they move their eyes real quick and act like they have been staring at something else for a long time... sometimes they squint like they are thinking really hard... other times they just turn real red and act like they are oblivious to what is going on.:) Some guy just made SOLID staring eye contact with me... and held his eyes there... hahahahaha :) always brings a smile to my face. Makes me feel like I have a second head or something:)
Dad’s Note- The side note assures me that the old Ward IS still alive and well inside Elder Greenhalgh...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thought of the Week
Here is a neat story for you guys, my inspirational thought of the week. An old native wiseman was approached by a young boy in his tribe. The boy asked, "Why am I always fighting inside myself. I want to do good, but sometimes I do bad. I have bad thoughts and I want to control them. Why is this and how do I fix it?"
The wiseman looked him in the eyes and said "Inside of each of us, there are two wolves. A wolf of light and goodness, and an evil wolf of darkness. They are always fighting to beat one another. That is why you have these two sides of you." The boy,thought intently and asked "Which wolf is going to win?" The old man, pleased with the earnest question of the boy, smiled and said "Which ever one you feed."
Let us feed the wolf of goodness and purity. Starve the evil wolf. The natural person in us. When we feed the Spirit, and we starve the carnal, which one will win?
Have a Great Week!
Elder Greenhalgh
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
This P-day went way too fast... its almost 4 pm, I feel like its 11... man, these days fly by.
I've been in Kalispell for over a month now... time flies
We are doing great... everything is fantastic. We just had a baptism, we will have 3 more next week, and then soon after that, we should have 3 more(one 9 year old boy, and two 20 something brothers that have been reading on their own before they even met us) it is neat to see prepared people come into our lives as we pray for them.
We are having a young woman, named Crystal, come out to lessons with us a lot! She got home from her mission recently. She was serving in South Africa, and when they took the sisters out, she was sent to California. SHE IS THE BEST MISSIONARY EVER. I can't even begin to explain the spirit that she carries with her. This must be what you guys are seeing in the sisters back home, she is just outstanding.
Last night she joined me and a kid preparing for his mission to give a lesson to a less active girl. We had a great lesson snd the spirit was SUPER STRONG. We read part of Alma 32, and the Spirit told me what to say, she needed to hear what the gospel could do for her. I told her that just like it says in 32, she could grow a tree, but she has to try it... but when she does it, her life will have new meaning, she will be happier, more sure of herself, and filled with patience and love. I had her Dad share his testimony, the Young Man shared testimony, and then I sealed it with mine... the spirit touched her so much that when I asked, "would you like the lessons again?" She just blurted out "YES!"
Experiences like that make you want to work even harder.
Another quick story, right after that, Crystal said "Elder Greenhalgh, if we have time, I feel like we should go talk to someone." So we went to visit a family friend that she hadn't seen since her mission. He was awesome, such a nice guy, WAY SMART... doing work for the government, doing these ENORMOUS equations, no numbers involved, you know it has to be advanced math if you can't understand any of the characters in the equation. Crystal bore her solid testimony, filled the room with her love and spirit... the spirit entered in, and her friend started to say why he couldn't take the lessons right now... like once he is less busy he will be more likely to listen. She just kept strong saying "you need this in your life." After a while, when he had left the room, she said "All right Elder Greenhalgh, it’s your turn to talk" I said a quick prayer to help me say what I should say. And then I bore my testimony that I know its truth, and told him “you are busy, BUT the gospel comes to people when GOD wants it to happen. Crystal came over here tonight for a reason, she knows by the spirit what to do. You may be busy, but when God stretches out His hand to do something for you, don't refuse it. I'm going to pray about a chapter of the Book of Mormon for you to read, and to pray about. Promise me that when you do this, and when God gives you the feeling to say that this is truth and is important, that you will not brush it off, but that you will grasp it, and bind yourself to your prayers, and the answers that God gives you" He promised, the spirit was there, and then he said the best thing I think I have ever heard. He said "Elder, I will, I know you mean it. I can see it in your eyes".... I know it wasn't me that he saw in my eyes, it was the spirit. The scriptures talk about how the eyes are the light of the whole body. But, it was just so amazing to know that I was able and worthy to be the vehicle, along with Crystal, to bring the spirit into his home, and to make a convincing statement by the word of God. It was great.
Those are the things I live for...
Have a great week
Tell the Sisters that I love them, and thank them from me, for helping my family.
Elder Greenhalgh
I've been in Kalispell for over a month now... time flies
We are doing great... everything is fantastic. We just had a baptism, we will have 3 more next week, and then soon after that, we should have 3 more(one 9 year old boy, and two 20 something brothers that have been reading on their own before they even met us) it is neat to see prepared people come into our lives as we pray for them.
We are having a young woman, named Crystal, come out to lessons with us a lot! She got home from her mission recently. She was serving in South Africa, and when they took the sisters out, she was sent to California. SHE IS THE BEST MISSIONARY EVER. I can't even begin to explain the spirit that she carries with her. This must be what you guys are seeing in the sisters back home, she is just outstanding.
Last night she joined me and a kid preparing for his mission to give a lesson to a less active girl. We had a great lesson snd the spirit was SUPER STRONG. We read part of Alma 32, and the Spirit told me what to say, she needed to hear what the gospel could do for her. I told her that just like it says in 32, she could grow a tree, but she has to try it... but when she does it, her life will have new meaning, she will be happier, more sure of herself, and filled with patience and love. I had her Dad share his testimony, the Young Man shared testimony, and then I sealed it with mine... the spirit touched her so much that when I asked, "would you like the lessons again?" She just blurted out "YES!"
Experiences like that make you want to work even harder.
Another quick story, right after that, Crystal said "Elder Greenhalgh, if we have time, I feel like we should go talk to someone." So we went to visit a family friend that she hadn't seen since her mission. He was awesome, such a nice guy, WAY SMART... doing work for the government, doing these ENORMOUS equations, no numbers involved, you know it has to be advanced math if you can't understand any of the characters in the equation. Crystal bore her solid testimony, filled the room with her love and spirit... the spirit entered in, and her friend started to say why he couldn't take the lessons right now... like once he is less busy he will be more likely to listen. She just kept strong saying "you need this in your life." After a while, when he had left the room, she said "All right Elder Greenhalgh, it’s your turn to talk" I said a quick prayer to help me say what I should say. And then I bore my testimony that I know its truth, and told him “you are busy, BUT the gospel comes to people when GOD wants it to happen. Crystal came over here tonight for a reason, she knows by the spirit what to do. You may be busy, but when God stretches out His hand to do something for you, don't refuse it. I'm going to pray about a chapter of the Book of Mormon for you to read, and to pray about. Promise me that when you do this, and when God gives you the feeling to say that this is truth and is important, that you will not brush it off, but that you will grasp it, and bind yourself to your prayers, and the answers that God gives you" He promised, the spirit was there, and then he said the best thing I think I have ever heard. He said "Elder, I will, I know you mean it. I can see it in your eyes".... I know it wasn't me that he saw in my eyes, it was the spirit. The scriptures talk about how the eyes are the light of the whole body. But, it was just so amazing to know that I was able and worthy to be the vehicle, along with Crystal, to bring the spirit into his home, and to make a convincing statement by the word of God. It was great.
Those are the things I live for...
Have a great week
Tell the Sisters that I love them, and thank them from me, for helping my family.
Elder Greenhalgh
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hey guys,
I'm glad to hear that the message I shared last week was influencial. I prayed before I wrote it that I could share something that you needed to hear. Little did I know that Elder Bednar would say the exact same thing in Conference. When I heard him start talking, the Spirit immediately said "Listen, this is why you wrote what you wrote last week!" Then Elder Bednar went ahead and said pretty much the exact thing I had said. Experiences like that let me know that the Spirit really can work through us, He did through me. I was sooooo hoping you had seen that talk.
Well this week has been good. We have a baptism today!:) A 9 year old girl who's mom is a less-active member of the church. She has decided to be baptised now after she has prayed about it and received her answer. It was neat to hear how excited she was that she had received an answer to her prayers. We are also baptising 3 people on the 19th. There is an 18 yr old boy who is AWESOME! He is even talking about a mission! A 16 yr old girl who has such a pure desire, its amazing to see how the Spirit has talked to her already! And then their little sister who is 8. She is the glue for the family in the church. The first time the missionaries came over, She said " WE NEED TO GO TO CHURCH! I TELL THEM EVERY WEEK, I'M UP IN TIME, TRYING TO GET THEM READY TO GO!" She is so sweet.
We are moving in with some members here, the Pitts family. We are very grateful to them.
. The work is good. I'm trying everyday to stay focused... the Spirit is coming a lot easier now. I feel like I'm learning a little more each day on how to stay closer to God.
Remember, Pray with real intent to act on the answer. The answers will come!
I love you guys
Have a great week.
Elder Greenhalgh
I'm glad to hear that the message I shared last week was influencial. I prayed before I wrote it that I could share something that you needed to hear. Little did I know that Elder Bednar would say the exact same thing in Conference. When I heard him start talking, the Spirit immediately said "Listen, this is why you wrote what you wrote last week!" Then Elder Bednar went ahead and said pretty much the exact thing I had said. Experiences like that let me know that the Spirit really can work through us, He did through me. I was sooooo hoping you had seen that talk.
Well this week has been good. We have a baptism today!:) A 9 year old girl who's mom is a less-active member of the church. She has decided to be baptised now after she has prayed about it and received her answer. It was neat to hear how excited she was that she had received an answer to her prayers. We are also baptising 3 people on the 19th. There is an 18 yr old boy who is AWESOME! He is even talking about a mission! A 16 yr old girl who has such a pure desire, its amazing to see how the Spirit has talked to her already! And then their little sister who is 8. She is the glue for the family in the church. The first time the missionaries came over, She said " WE NEED TO GO TO CHURCH! I TELL THEM EVERY WEEK, I'M UP IN TIME, TRYING TO GET THEM READY TO GO!" She is so sweet.
We are moving in with some members here, the Pitts family. We are very grateful to them.
. The work is good. I'm trying everyday to stay focused... the Spirit is coming a lot easier now. I feel like I'm learning a little more each day on how to stay closer to God.
Remember, Pray with real intent to act on the answer. The answers will come!
I love you guys
Have a great week.
Elder Greenhalgh
Thursday, April 3, 2008
3 APR 08
I'm learning so much right now.
I'm learning the real reason for being out here.
I'm NOT out here to boost myself.
I'm NOT out here to prove to the members or investigators that I'm the best missionary they've dealt with.
I'm NOT out here to fix things about me.
I'm out here to love my investigators and members with all of my heart. To put them first. To think about what they need at all times, to help them and then give all the credit to the Lord.
I'm teaching by the Spirit finally.
Once I realized that I need to love the people and really want to help them, and not impress them... the Spirit talks to me. He leads and lets me know what to say. Its amazing to be an instrument for God and know that He is entrusting me with His children.
I had been praying and praying for God to help me teach by the spirit, but it just didn't seem to come. Then He told me something. He said quietly in my mind. "You prayed for me to help you have a strong desire to work, and I did that... why would I help you with more if you can't show gratitude, or even acknowledge that I helped you gain that desire"
I felt about as big as an ant. So I apologized in prayer and thanked him fervently.... immediately, warmness and peace surrounded me. It was fantastic. Then He allowed me to ask for more, and He gave it to me:)
Had Joseph Smith prayed to ask "Which church is true," simply for information, he probably wouldn't have gotten his answer. But he prayed and asked "Which church should I join" with full intent to act on what God answered.
Its when we say "God, please let me know your will, and I will do my best to act on it" that we are given such knowledge, he loves us so much that he wants us to succeed at all times.
I've started to apply that principle, because the spirit said it was important, and I'm receiving more and more from Him, because He now knows that I will act on it.
I love you guys!
Take care!
Elder Greenhalgh
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Elder Greenhalgh Has Transferred To Kalispell, MT
We received a short email from Elder Greenhalgh Wednesday afternoon (19MAR08) he said he was in his new apartment and would be ready to go work on Thursday! He was impressed with the new scenery and will evidently be serving the Kalispell 2nd and 3rd Wards. He also said he was going to miss Cody and all the great people there. Will post news as we get it
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Hi Everyone,
The mission is going well... We had a remakable experience this week. We found a young woman to teach, and she had us over yesterday. She is of another faith and not really active. We talked with her about eternal families(she has a 2 year old daughter that she absolutely loves!) and she is about to get married... so! needless to say, she LOVED THE IDEA OF FOREVER!(she said that she couldn't stop thinking about it after we left the first time, (door approach)
So we had a first lesson with her, one of the first things she said was " I think all the churches have a little truth in them, but, I don't know which one has all the truth." needless to say, Elder Gurr and I were so impressed! Then we talked about Prophets, and the dispensations made so much sense to her and she said stuff like "This all seems familiar" and so we helped her understand that it was the Holy Ghost... ok then the best part, we talked about the first vision and right after Elder Gurr quoted Joseph Smith's account, she said "That was God and Jesus" and we said "What do you think they said?" and her response surprised us again She said, " Well they were calling him to be a prophet, God and Christ just don't appear like that without something important to do." and then my favorite line "I feel all hot and warm inside and all over!"
That was just one of the greatest lessons I've had. So we'll see her again on Friday and she hopefully has read, she said "I'm a reader, I could have this whole Book of Mormon read by Friday, and I'll pray, because God can give me the answer, and its important if this is true."
We are still walking on air about that lesson...
I hope that this account gives you each the inspiration to look inwardly and realize what wonderful testimonies you have too. Please share them, there are very special people out there waiting to hear and looking for answers.
I Love You All,
Elder Greenhalgh
The mission is going well... We had a remakable experience this week. We found a young woman to teach, and she had us over yesterday. She is of another faith and not really active. We talked with her about eternal families(she has a 2 year old daughter that she absolutely loves!) and she is about to get married... so! needless to say, she LOVED THE IDEA OF FOREVER!(she said that she couldn't stop thinking about it after we left the first time, (door approach)
So we had a first lesson with her, one of the first things she said was " I think all the churches have a little truth in them, but, I don't know which one has all the truth." needless to say, Elder Gurr and I were so impressed! Then we talked about Prophets, and the dispensations made so much sense to her and she said stuff like "This all seems familiar" and so we helped her understand that it was the Holy Ghost... ok then the best part, we talked about the first vision and right after Elder Gurr quoted Joseph Smith's account, she said "That was God and Jesus" and we said "What do you think they said?" and her response surprised us again She said, " Well they were calling him to be a prophet, God and Christ just don't appear like that without something important to do." and then my favorite line "I feel all hot and warm inside and all over!"
That was just one of the greatest lessons I've had. So we'll see her again on Friday and she hopefully has read, she said "I'm a reader, I could have this whole Book of Mormon read by Friday, and I'll pray, because God can give me the answer, and its important if this is true."
We are still walking on air about that lesson...
I hope that this account gives you each the inspiration to look inwardly and realize what wonderful testimonies you have too. Please share them, there are very special people out there waiting to hear and looking for answers.
I Love You All,
Elder Greenhalgh
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Hi Everybody! 5MAR08
I went to the temple today! It was great, I love it!
The work is going good. It is progressing slowly but surely everday, as do I progress slowly but surely everday. I have developed some patience with myself, and it works well... the Savior helps me a lot... but I can't help but think(especially as I sat within the walls of His house today) that I need to focus more on Him... I need to pour out my soul at night, everynight, because I see that as I try to find a closer relationship with Him, and take those steps to be more obedient and rely on Him, I see the work move wonderfully. I try harder all the time:)
I love you all...
Elder Greenhalgh
The work is going good. It is progressing slowly but surely everday, as do I progress slowly but surely everday. I have developed some patience with myself, and it works well... the Savior helps me a lot... but I can't help but think(especially as I sat within the walls of His house today) that I need to focus more on Him... I need to pour out my soul at night, everynight, because I see that as I try to find a closer relationship with Him, and take those steps to be more obedient and rely on Him, I see the work move wonderfully. I try harder all the time:)
I love you all...
Elder Greenhalgh
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
27FEB08 Elder Greenhalgh
I'm doing well! Excited for another week of spreading the word of God. and
finding new people to teach!
Wow, that was awesome to hear about Cameron! Too cool! He is such a great example to me.
Well, we are doing well in Cody. The work is progressing, we are teaching more people this week too.
Here is a cool story. Elder Gurr and myself were walking down the street, and we saw a teenage boy moving stuff in a van, and we talked to him. We said that we'd come and teach him and his family, he said they would like that. He said that his sister (Bonnie) lived in the apartments nearby, and that her boyfriend had recently died, and so that would probably be something that she needed. So we planned on coming back to see her. Later that day, we were at an investigator's house and she said her friend Bonnie was coming over, you guessed it, it was the same Bonnie. So she comes in and is all excited for us to teach her. We went to Bonnie’s apartment last night, and her sister was there too, and they said that they want to learn and they will invite all their friends to come to a lesson on Friday night... soooo exciting! Its neat to see how people just kinda fall into our hands. The Lord blesses us a lot.
That is awesome about Bro. Maibach, tell him I'm proud of him... it is a big step, and a noble step.
I heard from Bryant McKnight, I can't wait for him to serve, he will grow sooo much, and will be such a great missionary.
I love having prayers answered! We fasted and prayed the other day for one of our investigators, because we had no clue what she needed to hear from us. The answer was blatantly watch “Finding Faith in Christ” with her, and read Mosiah 18. She was in tears during the movie, and we will see what Mosiah 18 does for her. She has grown so much, believes it to be true, but got stuck on the "coffee and tea" thing. She doesn't even drink coffee, but she just doubted... she let herself doubt... sad. We'll see where she goes from here. She needs to pray to ask if Joseph Smith was a prophet, When she does that... she will be set, and then she can build a relationship with Christ as she follows His commandments.
Tell the sisters I say Hello and thank them for taking care of my parents!
Christ lives! Thats all I can say. Remember that. Remember that he loves you. Remember that he is excited to see us grow!
Love you guys! Talk to you next week!
~Elder Greenhalgh
Please say hello to Kory and his parents.
Thought for the week
Alma 7:23
And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive, and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Note on 20FEB2008
Hello to All:
My Dad sent me some information about my ggggrandfather, Almon Linus Fullmer and his siblings. I needed the information for an assigned talk about family history. I think the talk went well! It was such a weird topic for me to talk on, but I guess it was ok! It is important for members and guests to hear the missionaries give talks, I guess. This whole week has been good, but everything is going so fast, these weeks feel like hours. We are going to Zone Conference tomorrow, Thursday 21 FEB,that should be fun.
I'm getting kinda homesick this week... I think it is partly because the weather is getting nicer, and I'm remembering stuff we’d do this time of year, and I have had a lot of good letters from friends lately too... so zone conference should be good for me:)
This ward is great... we have some people progressing nicely, One young sister will be baptized soon. She has a little boy who is a real little trooper, and she is working long hours but she continues to grow in the gospel... she just wants to make sure that if she is making this choice to be baptized, that she just doesn't do it and then fall away.
We are working with several others too...
My Mom is taking lessons from the Missionary Sisters in Ohio. I am really proud of her! Even the Bishop in the Cody 1st ward put her in his prayer yesterday!:) She is definitely being prayed for!
I miss all of you and remind you to speak with your Father in Heaven regularly. He loves you and will bless you for your faith and love.
Love You,
Elder Greenhalgh
My Dad sent me some information about my ggggrandfather, Almon Linus Fullmer and his siblings. I needed the information for an assigned talk about family history. I think the talk went well! It was such a weird topic for me to talk on, but I guess it was ok! It is important for members and guests to hear the missionaries give talks, I guess. This whole week has been good, but everything is going so fast, these weeks feel like hours. We are going to Zone Conference tomorrow, Thursday 21 FEB,that should be fun.
I'm getting kinda homesick this week... I think it is partly because the weather is getting nicer, and I'm remembering stuff we’d do this time of year, and I have had a lot of good letters from friends lately too... so zone conference should be good for me:)
This ward is great... we have some people progressing nicely, One young sister will be baptized soon. She has a little boy who is a real little trooper, and she is working long hours but she continues to grow in the gospel... she just wants to make sure that if she is making this choice to be baptized, that she just doesn't do it and then fall away.
We are working with several others too...
My Mom is taking lessons from the Missionary Sisters in Ohio. I am really proud of her! Even the Bishop in the Cody 1st ward put her in his prayer yesterday!:) She is definitely being prayed for!
I miss all of you and remind you to speak with your Father in Heaven regularly. He loves you and will bless you for your faith and love.
Love You,
Elder Greenhalgh
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hi Everyone 13FEB08
Well another week in Cody! This place is great!We are teaching lots of people, and having a lot of success in bringing people to Christ!I love this work! What more can I say?
I hope everyone back home, as they read these emails are at least a little intrigued and want to learn more about the Lord, and redevote themselves to Him:)
My computer just alerted me that it is going to reset in 2 Minutes, I don't know why, so i'm going to type as fast as I can!
Everyone have a great week! I hope you all gain understanding from God.Heres something to read this week....Its in the Book of Mormonthe Book of Moroni, Chapter 7it talks on charity, if you don't have a book, call 888-537-2200 for a free copy!
love you all!Have a great week!
Elder Greenhalgh
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Ward's Week 6 FEB 08
This week was fun! It was time for transfers, so my companion and I were taken up into the caves of Spirit Mountain by one of the members out here (just so Elder Nielson could see them before he left Cody).These are the caves that are written about in the stories, the "Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites". They were so cool. There was a gate that you have to get a key to open, from the nature service, the gate is secured in the mountain, and only opening(what you unlock) is about 2' by 1.5'... it was so crazy(its just that small so if you can't get through that... you know there are parts in the caves you can't get through)Let me tell you what, there were some tight squeezes... crawling on my belly through cracks in rocks... and bat tunnels. Lots of fun.
The work is going well! We are teaching a lot of people here in Cody. It is great to see people change... one of the girls we are teaching had one of the worst sailor's mouths that I've ever heard... she has done a 180 degree turn around in her life, cleaned up her language(not that I judged her as a bad person for swearing, but to me, that shows a much deeper inner change) She has reached a point where she is thinking spiritually now, and can comprehend the things of God on a deeper level. She feels truth now. It is amazing to see someone's heart soften so much, and see that she is now able to prove to her God that she is willing to take the steps necessary to reach the happiness that He has prepared for her in this life, and the Eternal Life that He has prepared for her to recieve in the life to come.
Everyone, take care of my family!:)Miss you all and love you all
Have a good week!~Elder Greenhalgh
The work is going well! We are teaching a lot of people here in Cody. It is great to see people change... one of the girls we are teaching had one of the worst sailor's mouths that I've ever heard... she has done a 180 degree turn around in her life, cleaned up her language(not that I judged her as a bad person for swearing, but to me, that shows a much deeper inner change) She has reached a point where she is thinking spiritually now, and can comprehend the things of God on a deeper level. She feels truth now. It is amazing to see someone's heart soften so much, and see that she is now able to prove to her God that she is willing to take the steps necessary to reach the happiness that He has prepared for her in this life, and the Eternal Life that He has prepared for her to recieve in the life to come.
Everyone, take care of my family!:)Miss you all and love you all
Have a good week!~Elder Greenhalgh
Monday, February 4, 2008
Since we began this blog and with the new interest and questions which have developed through Gov. Romney's presidential campaign, many people have asked us, "What do Mormons believe?" There is no one simple answer to this question. Joseph Smith approached the same question by publishing the The Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. The first Article of Faith is:
"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."
The other twelve may be seen at:,4945,106-1-2-1,FF.html
New First Presidency
The new First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was announced at 11:00 am MST , 4 FEB 2008, in Salt Lake City. The new President is Thomas S. Monson (center above), First Counselor Elder Henry B. Eyring (left) and Second Counselor Elder Dieter Uchtdorf (right). We pray for each of them that they may enjoy the love and guidence of the Lord as they continue his great work.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Temple Trip 30 JAN 2008
We went to the Temple in Billings today! It was wonderful... we had a great time doing Endowment service... I love it so much! Will write soon. Elder Greenhalgh
Monday, January 28, 2008
President Gordon B. Hinckley Has Died.
President Gordon B. Hinckley, Prophet and leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints died at 7:00 pm, Sunday, 27 JAN 2008. He was 97 years old. President Hinckley, the consummate missionary, will be remembered for his love and concern for all persons world wide and his love for his Heavenly Father. His examples of commitment, labor, love and humor will long be emulated by the Latter Day Saints and others who had the opportuity to partake of his wise counsel. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with the Hinckley family.
Friday, January 25, 2008
There Are Missionaries in Cody !
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Greetings From Cody Wyoming 23JAN08
This week has been pretty.... SLOW! My companion, Elder Nielson has been sick, so we were in for two days... LUCKILY! those two days were the coldest so far this year! They both hit -15 and below! BURRRNeedless to say, he picked the PERFECT days to be sick!We are having alot of fun out here teaching the gospel! All of the people that we are teaching are progressing pretty slow so we are going to have to double time the work to try and help them understand more! I like learning about all kinds of new people... its pretty eye-opening to learn how people feel, especially about their relationships with Christ.
My parents sent me my yearbook from last year. It was kind of fun to see people from home in the book... but at the same time I couldn't help but think how happy I am to be away from it. Like, not to be stuck up about it, but I feel like I have such a better purpose than just knowing "who's hot and who's not, and who's dating whom..." it has all just lost its luster, and a new clearer perspective has surfaced. I'm so much happier in the service of God, having a more important role than "teenager".
Life is good.
Elder Greenhalgh
Alma 13:12 Now they, after being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, having their garments made white, being pure and spotless before God, could not look upon sin save it were with abhorrence; and there were many, exceedingly great many, who were made pure and entered into the rest of the Lord their God.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
How Many Wards Make a Stake?
I have noted a trend in Elder Greenhalgh's emails; he is changing. The subjects he chooses to discuss are not new but the conviction with which he express himself is at times profound. I was pondering today which Ward will return to us. Will it be the young man who always found humor in most everything, the witty, creative Ward? Will it be the impatient Ward who professes that rules are necessary for order and fairplay; the one who would police the planet? Will it be the Ward who became a student of his religion; a compassionate disciple ? Perhaps it will be the bright, sensative young man so appreciative of family and friends.; the one who can tear up at the mention of a name or the first bars of a musical piece.
The more I think about this, the more I am sure that all of these special young men will return, none lost, none neglected. All will be there just under the surface waitng for the first opportunity to assure us that the son and brother, friend and companion has been enriched, that he has grown and matured, that he has gained a deeper understanding of loving his Father and his Father's children.
I miss all of these guys and can't wait to experience them all.
The photo above was an experiment Ward and I made a couple of years ago with soda mugs, a new digital camera and his expertise with his brother's software. See, there really are several Wards.
NOTE:In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a ward is the larger of two types of local congregations (the smaller being a branch). A ward is presided over by a bishop, the equivalent of a pastor in other religions. As with all local church leadership, the bishop is considered lay clergy and as such is not paid. Two counselors serve with the bishop to help with the duties of the ward and also preside in the absence of the bishop. A branch is presided over by a branch president.
A stake is an administrative unit composed of multiple congregations, wards or branches. A stake is approximately comparable to a diocese in the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations. The name "stake" derives from the verse “enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitation: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes" (Isaiah 54:2). A stake is sometimes referred to as a stake of Zion.
Well, other than the FREEZING WIND, Cody is great!
We had an awesome Zone Conference the other day and my interview with President Fisher qualified for one of the turning points in my mission. He helped me understand my potential as a missionary, and that I CAN be the Elder that I have always wanted to be, that I CAN be as obedient as I wish I could be, and that I can get the work done to the full extent possible. It gave me a new outlook on how I am to live my life in this mission, and also when I return home. I love how much I grow as I forget the things of the world and gain self-control and discipline over the desires that I have. I love to think that I can work every minute of everyday! I love it. It feels great to know that I am striving each day to reach the full potential that my Father, my God, has prepared for me. He knows my potential, and He helps me understand it when I ask for guidance. He knows all of our potential, and He will give it to us if we ask Him in faith. Let the Lord lead our paths in all situations. Let us all learn to grow and prosper in the knowledge of our Savior.Alma 37: 38-46
38 And now, my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the thing which our fathers call a ball, or director—or our fathers called it Liahona, which is, being interpreted, a compass; and the Lord prepared it.
39 And behold, there cannot any man work after the manner of so curious a workmanship. And behold, it was prepared to show unto our fathers the course which they should travel in the wilderness.
40 And it did work for them according to their faith in God; therefore, if they had faith to believe that God could cause that those spindles should point the way they should go, behold, it was done; therefore they had this miracle, and also many other miracles wrought by the power of God, day by day.
41 Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works. They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not progress in their journey;
42 Therefore, they tarried in the wilderness, or did not travel a direct course, and were afflicted with hunger and thirst, because of their transgressions.
43 And now, my son, I would that ye should understand that these things are not without a shadow; for as our fathers were slothful to give heed to this compass (now these things were temporal) they did not prosper; even so it is with things which are spiritual.
44 For behold, it is as easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you a straight course to eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass, which would point unto them a straight course to the promised land.
45 And now I say, is there not a type in this thing? For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise.
46 O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the business of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever.
Allow Christ to lead you everydayLove,Elder Greenhalgh
We had an awesome Zone Conference the other day and my interview with President Fisher qualified for one of the turning points in my mission. He helped me understand my potential as a missionary, and that I CAN be the Elder that I have always wanted to be, that I CAN be as obedient as I wish I could be, and that I can get the work done to the full extent possible. It gave me a new outlook on how I am to live my life in this mission, and also when I return home. I love how much I grow as I forget the things of the world and gain self-control and discipline over the desires that I have. I love to think that I can work every minute of everyday! I love it. It feels great to know that I am striving each day to reach the full potential that my Father, my God, has prepared for me. He knows my potential, and He helps me understand it when I ask for guidance. He knows all of our potential, and He will give it to us if we ask Him in faith. Let the Lord lead our paths in all situations. Let us all learn to grow and prosper in the knowledge of our Savior.Alma 37: 38-46
38 And now, my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the thing which our fathers call a ball, or director—or our fathers called it Liahona, which is, being interpreted, a compass; and the Lord prepared it.
39 And behold, there cannot any man work after the manner of so curious a workmanship. And behold, it was prepared to show unto our fathers the course which they should travel in the wilderness.
40 And it did work for them according to their faith in God; therefore, if they had faith to believe that God could cause that those spindles should point the way they should go, behold, it was done; therefore they had this miracle, and also many other miracles wrought by the power of God, day by day.
41 Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works. They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not progress in their journey;
42 Therefore, they tarried in the wilderness, or did not travel a direct course, and were afflicted with hunger and thirst, because of their transgressions.
43 And now, my son, I would that ye should understand that these things are not without a shadow; for as our fathers were slothful to give heed to this compass (now these things were temporal) they did not prosper; even so it is with things which are spiritual.
44 For behold, it is as easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you a straight course to eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass, which would point unto them a straight course to the promised land.
45 And now I say, is there not a type in this thing? For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise.
46 O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the business of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever.
Allow Christ to lead you everydayLove,Elder Greenhalgh
Monday, January 14, 2008
Another Fullmer Connection
Robert Almon Fullmer and Evah Cecil Mattinson spent most of their married life in Payson Utah. They were the parents of nine children, seven of whom lived to adulthood. Rob and Cecil both had a testimony of missionary work and family tradition relates that Rob gave up his own mission opportunities to work and help finance the missions of his younger brothers. Yet none of his own children nor any of his numerous grandchildren served a LDS mission. The Fullmers would undoubtedly be pleased to know that many of their great-grandchildren have accepted the call and have served admirably. Currently, two great-grandsons are serving in the Montana Billings Mission. Elder Blake Walton who was raised in Utah and Elder Ward Greenhalgh from Ohio, recently met, for the first time they recall, at the Mission Home in Billings Montana and had a few hours to become acquainted before they each departed for Wyoming, one to Cody the other to Worland. Elder Greenhalgh reports, “Elder Walton is a great guy, I’m proud to call him cousin.” No doubt, Rob and Cecil are proud to call them both grandson...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Challenge to Re-read the Book of Mormon
Hey everyone! Learning more and more everyday! We are reading the Book of Mormon in 6 weeks out here, and my companion Elder Nielson and I are almost half done! It is great to read it over and over again, and feel the truth of it! I love that book!
We taught a lady about it the other day, she had some concerns about it, which is definately good!(Without questioning something, you can never find out if it is true or false!) She started to understand that there was a need for the Book of Mormon, especially when we taught her about the Law of Witnesses. We also taught about principles in 2nd Nephi 29, oh well... I know no one thinks the gospel is as cool as I do, but it is:)
The mission is turning me into a nerd! Holy cow! Cameron and I are planning some awesome schemes! I'm gonna get famous, and he is going to be my private jet pilot:) We are going to have two huge mansions next to each other and they are both going to dwarf LeBron's house.... haha. Yuk, I would never want a big house like that!
Oh well! The work is good. We are having a great time, and I love meeting a new Ward and a new city... its great!
God Bless, Elder Greenhalgh
We taught a lady about it the other day, she had some concerns about it, which is definately good!(Without questioning something, you can never find out if it is true or false!) She started to understand that there was a need for the Book of Mormon, especially when we taught her about the Law of Witnesses. We also taught about principles in 2nd Nephi 29, oh well... I know no one thinks the gospel is as cool as I do, but it is:)
The mission is turning me into a nerd! Holy cow! Cameron and I are planning some awesome schemes! I'm gonna get famous, and he is going to be my private jet pilot:) We are going to have two huge mansions next to each other and they are both going to dwarf LeBron's house.... haha. Yuk, I would never want a big house like that!
Oh well! The work is good. We are having a great time, and I love meeting a new Ward and a new city... its great!
God Bless, Elder Greenhalgh
If you'd like to join me in my reading and don't have a Book of Mormon ask my Dad for strings attached :-)
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